

Monday, January 18, 2010

Life Documented

My goal is to start blogging everyday...or at least every other day :) Sometimes life gets in the way of sharing life, but I know it will be such a great reward to see life documented. I think this is why I am so drawn to photography. It is life documented in its truest form. I love digging through my old, often unfinished, weathered away scrapbooks that ooze with memories of photographs and scribbles. I've always loved journaling and scrapbooking. Journaling began to die away for me when I realized my brother and sister were sneaking to read my private thoughts and share them out loud with the world. This embarrassed me out of jotting my thoughts down on paper. Ah, siblings! Many people don't know this about me, but when I was young, I loved to write. I was inspired by the Baby Sitters Club and the twin sisters of Sweet Valley High...silly, I know, but true. I know my mom has a secret stash somewhere of all of the books I started writing. My grandpa saved a few of my stories before he died, but I don't know what happened to them. He would always mention them to me with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his was so sweet! I wrote newsletters, yes, I was a weird kid searching for a creative outlet, and my mom admitted to me a week ago she still has them. How did she find those? I am still wondering! I was sure I had destroyed all evidence! My mom always thought and dreamed I would become a writer...maybe one day never know!

Right now I will stick to writing about my adorable family, the ups and downs of my photography business, and whatever else life brings to the table. I'm pretty sure my mom and sister are the only ones that read this anyway :)

Does anyone have any advice on shooting kids in manual mode? This is proving to be impossible for me. I cannot move my dials and switch my settings fast enough to keep up with my constantly moving 15 month old. This causes me to miss some really great moments and I want to kick myself in the rear. I eventually give up and shoot in auto so I can relax and not miss anything. The pictures turn out okay, but nothing compared to a beautifully exposed manual shot. Henry is my number one subject to practice on because he is a constant challenge...too bad I can see the discontent in his eyes when I pull out the camera.

Anyways, today was a surprisingly warm and beautiful day, so we headed to the park. Here are some shots of our day. In regards to dreaming of what Henry will be when he grows up, this picture may prove he will become a professional rock climber...or maybe a model, who knows ;)

Henry is close to the age of 5...or maybe he's really mature for his age? ooops!

Speaking of shooting in manual, the image below was shot in manual mode...i love the richness and contrast.

Hey mom, get that camera out of my face! It is funny how he will be playing and giggling with me, but as soon as I bust out the camera he ignores me and runs away. *sigh*


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