

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hubby is Home

Thank goodness, my fabulous husband is home! Henry and I missed him so much! He was at Travis AFB, CA for two weeks having PRK (corrective eye surgery). Now I can finally catch up on homework and (most importantly, ha!) editing pictures! To top off my husbands wonderful arrival, he returned bearing gifts. All of my friends & family know I'm a wino...I can't help it.
A glass (or two) of white wine is the perfect ending to a rough or wonderful day. Since my hubby knows me so well, Brandon brought me home the most perfect, adorable wine glasses!

{my fav}

So thoughtful!

I came home today for lunch and after we ate, my boys drifted off into a peaceful sleep. You can tell Henry missed his daddy.

Life doesn't get any better...

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